update the plowshare package in b-rad firmware on the WDTV-live

Well recently i buy a filesonic premiun account and sorprise(or maybe not) the plowshare package is out date in the WTDV live and the module don't exist for filesonic, so this is how i update the package.

Download and install the ipkg-build package, this version can do the job(mirror or we can use this):
wget ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/handhelds/packages/ipkg-build/ipkg-build_1.6_all.ipk
ipkg-opt install ipkg-build_1.6_all.ipk

Get latest plowshare source and build it (the last at least for a few days):
wget http://plowshare.googlecode.com/files/plowshare-snapshot-git20110926.tar.gz
tar -xzf plowshare-snapshot-git20110926.tar.gz
cd plowshare-snapshot-git20110926
mkdir /tmp/pkg
make PREFIX=/opt DESTDIR=/tmp/pkg install

Create control file for ipkg
mkdir -p /tmp/pkg/CONTROL
nano /tmp/pkg/CONTROL/control

With this content:
Package: plowshare
Version: git20110926
Architecture: mipsel
Maintainer: YOURNAME
Section: base
Priority: optional
Description: A command-line downloader and uploader for some of the most popular file sharing websites
Source: http://code.google.com/p/plowshare/

Use ipkg-utils to create the package:
ipkg-build /tmp/pkg /tmp/

Or use the script:

sh ipkg-build.sh /tmp/pkg /tmp/

Create a symbolic link /bin/bash to /opt/bin/bash, to avoid having to rename all scripts:
ln -s /opt/bin/bash /bin/bash

Install the new package:
ipkg install /tmp/plowshare_git20110926_mipsel.ipk

Source Source2

For lazy people or with short time here is the package ready plowshare_git20120130_mipsel.ipk but remember to do ln -s /opt/bin/bash /bin/bash first

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